Are professional window cleaners in Cheshire worth it?

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Keeping our homes looking clean and tidy can be a tough task but it’s totally worth it, and windows are a key part of that picture! Some people enjoy tackling window cleaning themselves, while others prefer to call in the pros for their guaranteed pristine clean and ability to tackle those hard-to-clean or reach windows. But is hiring a professional window cleaner really worth it? Do they provide benefits that justify the cost? Let’s have a deep dive into this one and look at the perks of having a professional window cleaner vs doing the window cleaning job on your own. We will also answer some common questions raised about window cleaning by our large customer base in Cheshire, such as: 

  • Why use a professional window cleaner?
  • What should you expect from a window cleaner?
  • How much do window cleaners charge?
  • How often do people in the UK want their windows cleaned?
  • What happens if you don’t clean your windows?
  • Is it worth cleaning windows in the rain?
  • Are there any risks of window cleaning?
  • How long should professional window cleaning take?
  • Do window cleaners work through the winter?

To begin let’s start with the big questions

Why use a professional window cleaner?

When it comes to window cleaning, hiring a professional window cleaner with all the right tools is like giving your home a refreshing spa day. Not only do they have the equipment transform your windows from grimy to gleaming, but they also make your house look sooo good passersby might just stop and applaud… Ok, we may be going over the top there, but hiring a professional window cleaner ensures that ALL your windows get a perfect clean every time. A professional window cleaner has the skills and tools to ensure a streak free finish on all of your windows every time. At Pristine Clean we help our customers across Cheshire clean all their windows from hard to reach roof sky lights to awakward out of the way georgian lead windows. Choosing a professional window cleaning over the DIY option not only saves you previous time but also helps you avoid dangerous ladders and any accidents as you try and scrub away the dirt. Our team is fully trained and focused on getting the work done effeciently but above all safely.

In short, investing in professional window cleaning is a win-win. You get to enjoy the beauty of crystal-clear windows, protect your home from the perils of neglect, and reclaim your time for the things that truly matter. So go ahead, let the professionals work their magic and bask in the glow of your now-luminous living space!

What should you expect from a window cleaner?

When you hire a professional window cleaner you are looking for a professional team with the right equipment and tools to clean away the dirt and grime on your home or businesses windows. Whether it’s a one-man band or a great team like ours. They will likely be armed with high-tech gadgets like water-fed poles that reach the sky and pure water that makes streaks a thing of the past, they’re like the superheroes of sparkling windows.

But wait, there’s more! These window warriors save you from the drudgery of scrubbing and offer regular clean-ups all year round. We also act as your friendly neighbourhood house inspectors, we can keep an eye out for any sneaky leaks or damaged seals and let you know before the problem get’s too big! Also not to be overlooked is the focus on safety from a professional window cleaner, no matter where the window is or how hard to reach on your own you can expect the pros to clean it safely and efficiently. At pristine clean we have worked on countless different properties over the years and are confident we can reach almost any window safely.

How much do window cleaners charge?

The most important questions we get asked… to find an answer why not have a read of our other blog all about this subject here: “How much does window cleaning cost….?”

But to answer the question quickly… The cost of window cleaning in the UK varies depending on several factors, including the number of windows, their size, accessibility, the levels of dirt and grime, the tools needed, the type of properties, and the frequency of service. There is no fixed average price, and it’s recommended to get quotes from multiple companies to compare prices and find the best deal for your specific needs. To get a quote from our team for free head over to our quote page and drop us a quick message.

How often do people in the UK want their windows cleaned?

In Cheshire the frequency that our customers get their windows cleaned can vary based on location, weather conditions, levels of dirt, available time and personal preferences, but most homeowners and businesses typically opt for a clean every 4 or 8 weeks. For homes in urban or coastal areas where dirt, pollution, and salt can build up more quickly, 4 weekly or monthly cleaning is the most common. Many people who opt to clean their windows themselves may even do it every week. Whats your prefference?

What happens if you don’t clean your windows?

Neglecting your windows is like ignoring a messy room—eventually, the dirt will pile up and become a big problem! When you let grime, dust, and pollution hang out on your glass, you’re inviting cloudy views that make your home or office look like a scene from a scary movie! As time passes, stains on dirty windows can become permanent features of your home that can lead to costly repairs! Not to be forgotten either, is, that dirty windows are like a five-star hotel for mould and mildew, especially around the seals and frames, putting your window’s integrity (and your health) at risk. And if you think that’s bad, just wait until those seals start to give up on life, leading to leaks and condensation that shorten your windows’ lifespan. So, give your windows a regular scrub-down; it’s the easiest way to keep them sparkling and your space looking fabulous!

Is it worth cleaning windows in the rain?

Yes, it is worth cleaning windows in the rain. Contrary to popular belief, rain itself does not make windows dirty; it’s the dirt and pollutants already present on the glass that get spread around when wet. In fact, cleaning windows during or just before a rainstorm can actually be beneficial because the natural moisture helps rinse away any residual soap or cleaning solution, leaving a streak-free finish. At Pristine Clean we as professional window cleaners use purified water in our reach and wash pole system. This specially purerified water is free of minerals and contaminants, this means that rainwater won’t affect the freshly cleaned windows. So, rather than being a deterrent, rain can actually enhance the window cleaning process, ensuring a longer-lasting clean. So if you see a professional window cleaning out in the rain, they are not out to con you, they can still work just as effectively, they may however be much more appreciative of cup of tea and a biscuit to keep them warm!

Are there any risks of window cleaning?

Washing your own windows might feel like a budget-friendly choice, but there is a need to be careful to avoid the many risks—it’s a slippery slope… yes we know a bad joke! On a serious note if you choose to clean your own windows be careful using your own tools and ladders and working at height. Imagine balancing on a ladder that’s wobbling like a tightrope walker at a circus, while also trying to avoid that a streaky finish that screams, “I did this myself!” Choosing a professional window cleaner can be a safer choice, their professional cleaning tools and equipment ensure a streak free finish that can be reached from the safety of the ground. If ladders or scaffolding is needed the professionals have the training and experience to work safely. DIY window cleaning for sure might save you a few pounds, but hiring a pro will ensure you get a sparkling shine without the risk of a ladder dive or an unexpected repair bill that’ll make your wallet weep! Save time and stay safe on your properties by hiring a pro.

How long should professional window cleaning take?

This will depend entirely on the size of your property and wether it’s a small terraced home, a detached mansion or a office block. Our team have the tools and equipment to work effeciently and thus reduce the time we spend ot your property. Rest assured though that a professional cleaning working quickly does not mean that your windows wil be any les clean. You can rest assured a professional window cleaner (like pristine clean) will have your propety spick and span in good time.

Do window cleaners work through the winter?

Yes we do!!! In the winter the levels of dirt and grime build much more than in the summer, also with many people spending more time at home the benefit of having a professional window cleaner can clearly be seen. We make sure that all of our equipment and tools enable us to continue to work safely and easily in the winter no matter the weather. You can rest assured that if you choose to have your windows in your cheshire properties, wether its a house or business, professionally cleaned by Pristine Clean you will have a regular on time qualtiy service. Of course we do still get cold so cups of tea and coffee are alwasy appreciated by any professional window cleaner in the colder months.

So what have we seen? Cleaning your windows is an important investment for any building for many different reasons, it can not only increase curb appeal but comes with benefits such as increased light into your home and can serve to keep your property from damage caused by neglect. Many choose to clean their windows themsleves but there are great benefits to having a professional clean for you. Their quality service, specialised tools equipment and products will ensure a streak free, pristine clean service that you can rely on. Why not get a accurate estimate for your next window clean by heading over to our quote page now?